
My name is Mohdi Prabowo.
Teacher and Musician.

This website was created to document Mohdi Prabowo’s life journey in the world of education, culture and the arts

I am a high school teacher and saxophonist. Besides that, I like anything related to culture and the digital world.

About Me

As an art teacher and musician, play a vital role in education and creativity. Teaching various art forms and musical skills, you inspire students to express themselves. 

You encourage them to think creatively, appreciate art and music, and even consider future careers in these fields. Through your guidance, students gain not only technical skills but also confidence and a deeper understanding of artistic expression. Your impact extends beyond the classroom, as you might help organize exhibitions, concerts, and events that showcase students’ talents. Your dual role as an educator and artist paves the way for a more vibrant and culturally enriched generation.

Years of Experience
Awards & Honors

My Experience

Absolutely, your experience as both an educator and a musician is impressive and diverse. Your teaching journey has encompassed both in-class instruction and extracurricular coaching in the realm of music. This showcases your dedication to nurturing students’ artistic abilities not only within the curriculum but also in more specialized settings. Furthermore, your involvement with professional music groups in Indonesia highlights your prowess as a musician.


By combining your expertise in education with your practical experience in the music industry, you offer students a well-rounded perspective. You can inspire them not only through theoretical knowledge but also through real-world applications. Your collaborations with professional music groups underscore your commitment to honing your craft and staying current in the ever-evolving world of music.

As an individual who bridges the worlds of education and professional music, you bring a wealth of insights and a rich tapestry of experiences into both your teaching and musical endeavors. This blend of roles not only enhances your own growth but also amplifies your ability to inspire and guide the next generation of artists and musicians.


Cultural Arts Teacher

Becoming a cultural arts teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Senori

2014 -now

Saxophone Player

Actively playing music solo on the saxophone as well as collaborating with professional music groups in Indonesia from 2014 until the present.

2015 - now

Cultural Arts and Music Teacher

Being a cultural arts and music teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Singgahan from January 2015 until now

2019 - now

Cultural Arts and Music Teacher

Being a cultural arts and music teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Singgahan from January 2015 until now

Edu Content

“Visit the educational content that I have prepared, which is interesting for you to appreciate.”

Laporan Lokakarya Orientasi Pendidikan Guru Penggerak Angkatan 11 Kelas 305A Kabupaten Tuban BBGP Provinsi Jawa Timur

Materi Workshop Kurikulum Muatan Lokal

Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi dalam Seni Musik: Mengakomodasi Kebutuhan Belajar Siswa yang Beragam

Membangun Keyakinan Kelas untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Belajar Murid

Menumbuhkan Bakat dan Minat Seni Budaya Melalui Filosofi Pendidikan Ki Hajar Dewantara

Coaching untuk Transformasi: Pelajaran Berharga dari Alur TIRTA

Pendidikan yang Memerdekan: Menumbuhkan Cinta Belajar Sejati

Teknik Fasilitasi untuk Pendampingan

FLS2N SMA Tahun 2024

Peran MGMP sebagai Kombel dalam Pembelajaran Seni di SMA

Aksi Nyata Topik : Kurikulum Merdeka

Aksi Nyata Topik 1: Merdeka Belajar

Perangkat Pembelajaran Seni Teater SMA Kelas X / Fase E

Perangkat Pembelajaran Seni Tari SMA Kelas X / Fase E

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